Thursday, September 21, 2023

class 3rd computer

Class 3.   
Subject - Computer

Fill in the blanks
1. Linux was developed in year __________.

2. Linux is an _____________ system.

3. On the desktop the small pictures with name are called _____________

4. _____________ Torvalds developed the linux

5. __________ bar shows the number of pages in the document.

6._____________ is freely available to use.

7. __________ bar shows the name of the document.

8. The attack of _____________ in Linux based system is very less.

9. __________ is the place where the text is typed.

10. _____________ is based on Linux platform.

True /False
1. Open option is used to create a document. (. )

2. The small pictures with names are called the icons. 
 (. )

3. Libre officeWriter is very difficult to understand. (. )

4. The vertical side Bar located at the left side of the desktop is launcher. (. )

5. Linux is an operating system software. (. )

6. Once you finish your work it is important to switch off your computer. (. )

7. You cannot change the desktop background. (. )

8. You can change the position of the launcher. (. )

9. It is very important to you shut down the computer properly. (. )

10. The wallpaper that you see on the desktop is called desktop background. (. )

One word answer
1. It is the vertical side bar on the left side of the desktop. __________

2. This bar shows the name of the document. ____________

3. Small pictures on the desktop with names. ____________

4. This bar shows the number of pages of the document. ____________

5. Shortcut key to create a new document. __________

6. It is the place where the document is edited and text is typed. ____________

7. Shortcut key to save the document. __________

8. Shortcut key to close the writer window. ____________

9. These bars are used to scroll the document up and down. __________

10. Shortcut key to open a saved document. ____________

Question Answers
1. Write two uses of Libre office writer.
2. How will you exit from your libre office writer.
3. Write two components of Libre office writer windows.
4. Write the steps to create a new document in libre office 
5. Write any one feature of Linux operating system

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