a) Ctrl + N - > To create new file
b) Ctrl + S -- To save a file
c) Ctrl + O -- To open a saved document
d) Ctrl + P -- To print a document
e) Ctrl + Q -- to close libre office writer window
f) Shift + <-- one character to the left selected
g) Shift + -->. One character to the right selected
h) Shift + Home beginning of the current line
I) Shift + End End of current line selected
j) Ctrl + A Entire documents selected
k) Ctrl + C To copy text
l) Ctrl + V To paste text
m) Ctrl + X. To cut text
n) Ctrl + Z. To undo text
O ) Ctrl + Y. To redo text
p) F7. To run spell check
q) Ctrl + F7. To run thesaurus
1.What is libre office writer?
Ans- Libre office writer is a software used to create , edit , save and print the documents.
2. Write some features of writer
Ans- 1.find and replace feature
2. Change case feature
3. How to open writer?
Ans- Application > office > Libre office Writer.
4. Write steps to find and replace a word in the paragraph in writer.
Ans - Edit menu > Find
- fill the word you want to change in find box.
-fill the word you want to replace with in the replace box
-Click replace all button.
5. How to change case in libreoffice writer?
Ans - Format menu > Text / change case > sentence case/lowercase/uppercase/toggle case.
6. How to spell check in libre office writer?
Ans - Tools > Spelling> click correct to change the word
7. How to use Thesaurus in writer?
Ans - Tools> Thesaurus> choose suitable word> click replace button.
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