Ans - Table> Insert Table> select number of rows and columns > insert button.
2. How to insert rows/ columns in the table?
Ans- Table> Insert > rows/ column > insert rows / column> Ok button.
3. How to delete a row/column in the table?
Ans- select row/column
Table menu > delete> row/column/table
4. How to change the text alignment in a table?
Ans- select cell
Format menu>a line option > left/centre/justified/top/bottom.
5. How to merge cells in a table?
Ans- select cells - table menu> merge cell
6. How to split cells?
Ans - select a cell. -- table menu > splitcell option.
7. How to insert an image in the table?
Ans- insert menu > image option > choose image > open button.
8. How to apply border and background in a table?
Ans- BORDER - select a table - table menu > properties >border > choose style /colour >🆗 button
BACKGROUND - select a table - table menu > properties >background > colour > 🆗 button
9. Write the meaning of following options
a) intersection of row and column - cell
b) combining two or more cells - merge cell
c) dividing on cell into two or more cells - split cell
d) changing the height or breadth of row and column - resizing