Tuesday, April 20, 2021

2nd Ch-1 Computer- A Smart Machine

Q- Write down features of computer.
A- 1. Computer can store large amount of data.
     2. Computer works very fast.
     3. Computer does not make mistakes.
     4. Computer does not get tired.
     5. Computer can work for long hours.

Q- Write down places and fields where we use computer.
A- 1.Home
      2. School
      3. Shop
      4. Office
      5. Bank
      6. Hospital
       7. Designing
      8. Railway station and Airport
      9.Space Research and Defence
     10. Learning new skills

Q- Write down types of computer according to size and shape.
A- 1. Desktop Computer
      2. Laptop Computer
      3. Tablet
      4. Smartphone

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