Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Class 5 – Computer Worksheet
Class 4 – Computer Worksheet
Class 3 – Computer Worksheet
Class 3 – Computer Worksheet
Maximum Marks: 30
Name: ____________
Date: ____________
Section A: Fun with Tux Paint (5 Marks)
Q1. Fill in the blanks. (3 Marks)
- The tool used to draw in Tux Paint is called __________.
- The shortcut to open Tux Paint is __________.
- The __________ tool is used to erase parts of a drawing.
Q2. Match the tools with their uses. (2 Marks)
Section B: Stepwise Thinking (5 Marks)
Q3. Arrange the steps in the correct order. (3 Marks)
(Write numbers 1 to 4 in the correct order.)
( ) Open a paint program.
( ) Click on the brush tool.
( ) Start drawing.
( ) Save the drawing.
Q4. Tick (✓) the correct statements. (2 Marks)
- Stepwise thinking helps in solving problems easily. ( )
- Computers do not follow stepwise instructions. ( )
- Writing a recipe is an example of stepwise thinking. ( )
Section C: Introduction to Scratch (5 Marks)
Q5. Answer in one word. (3 Marks)
- Scratch is a __________ programming language for kids.
- The character in Scratch is called __________.
- The area where we create programs in Scratch is called the __________.
Q6. Identify and name the Scratch blocks. (2 Marks)
Draw or paste pictures of a motion block and an event block and write their names below them.
Section D: Introduction to Scratch (continued) (5 Marks)
Q7. Fill in the blanks. (3 Marks)
- The __________ block is used to move a sprite.
- The __________ block is used to start a program.
- In Scratch, we can make a sprite __________ and __________. (Two actions)
Q8. True or False. (2 Marks)
- Scratch is used to create animations. ( )
- Sprites cannot move in Scratch. ( )
Section E: AI-Enabled Devices (10 Marks)
Q9. Identify the AI-enabled devices. (3 Marks)
(Tick ✓ the correct ones.)
- Smartwatch ( )
- Wooden Chair ( )
- Self-driving Car ( )
- Television ( )
Q10. Match the AI devices with their uses. (4 Marks)
Q11. Solve the riddle. (3 Marks)
I can recognize faces and talk to you,
Ask me a question, and I’ll help you too.
What am I? ______________
Class 5 – Computer Worksheet
Class 5 – Computer Worksheet Maximum Marks: 30 Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Section A: Animation and Special Effects in LibreOffice...
Fill ups 1. Edubuntu is an ............. Which acts as a interface between user and the computer. 2. ............. provides an easy way to a...
1. .......... is a machine. Ans- Computer. 2. How many letters are there in the word computer. Ans- Eight. 3. Desktop is the type of .....
Answer the following questions 1. What is Linux? Give two reasons that have made it popular. Ans-Linux is an operating system which is avail...