Thursday, February 16, 2023

Class 1st / REVISION WORKSHEET 3 / Subject - computer

Subject - computer
Tick the correct answer
1. Which tool is used to save drawing?
     Lines tool. Save tool. Paint tool
2. Which tool is used to remove the unnecessary part of the drawing?
     Eraser tool. Lines tool. Paint tool

Fill in the blanks
a) 2. 4. 6. 8. ____10
b) 1a. 2b. 3c. 4d. ____5e
c) A square has  4 sides.
d) opposite sides of a rectangle are. equal 

True false
1. Things that are found naturally are known as natural things
 (. True)
2. Chair , table and car are not artificial things. (.False        )

Q- name any three artificial intelligent machines
A- Smart speaker , smartphone, smart TV , smart light

class 1 Computer revision (2)

class 1 Computer revision (2)

Q1-Tick  the correct answer
1. What is the name of the dog having artificial intelligence
      Aibo.                Aido.            Ailo
2. When we draw or write the same thing again and again it is called_____
   Pattern.              Word search.            Shapes

Q2-Fill in the blanks
1. We can erase any unwanted part of the drawing by-  eraser tool
2. Aibo can identify different people.

Q3-True / False
1. Flower is a natural thing. (True)
2. Paint tool is used to come out of the program (False)

Q4- draw the shapes-square rectangle and triangle in different things you observe at your home

Q-5-what is tux paint?
Ans- Tux paint is a drawing program for kids.

Class 2nd Subject computer Worksheet 3

Class 2nd
Subject computer
Worksheet 3

Tick the correct answer
1.______ pane show the different options for each tool
     Toolbar.         Selector                   menu
2. In a number pyramid, the number in each space is the sum of the two numbers_______ it
    Below.             above.                     behind

Fill in the blanks
1. Packing and lifting tasks are associated with       a___robot
2.Google maps_____ is an example of navigational app.

True/ False
1. An artificial intelligent machine can understand human language (. True)
2 an artificial intelligent machine cannot recognise pictures.
(.false         )

Match the colum
Readymade pictures.         Stamp tool
Open new page.                  New tool
Open a new drawing.          Open tool 

1 what is the use of magic tool?
Ans-It is used to add special effect in the drawing.

2. What is the use of open tool?
Ans- It is used to open a new drawing

Complete the following number pyramid

  7.   14
 2.   5.   9
2.   0.   5.   4

Class 2nd Computer revision Worksheet (2)

Class 2nd 
Computer revision Worksheet (2)
1. Which of the following is the ability of a machine or a computer
  Ans-    Think. 
2. ____ tool is used to write in the Tux paint
  Ans-   Text. Tool

Fill in the blanks
1. __new__ tool is used to open a new page
2. If a number ha 6 tens and 15 ones , then the number is ____75

True/ False
1. Artificially intelligent machine can understand human language.___true
2. Navigation app cannot recommend the best route.___false

1.What are Robots?
A-robots are automatically operated machine.
2.Which tool is used to paste ready made pictures?
A- stamp tool
3. Name the basic 4 directions.
A- East West North South

Class 5 – Computer Worksheet

Class 5 – Computer Worksheet Maximum Marks: 30 Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Section A: Animation and Special Effects in LibreOffice...