Wednesday, November 23, 2022


1. Tick the correct answer
__________ is located at the top of the desktop.

 Launcher.         Icons.         Clock

_______ is a feature of tux typing we are Muscat eat fishes

Comet zap.            lessons.         Fish cascade

Which of the following is not a control button
Maximize.             Exit.                Minimise

Which button is used to open different programs
Show application.            Close           minimise

2. Fill in the blanks
.................._ is the first screen that appears after turning on the computer.

The small pictures on the desktop are called................

We use ............ button to shut down the computer

.............. appear on the comets which are hit with the laser beam.

Click on ............... to exit the program

3. True/ false
Launcher appears at the top of the desktop. ( )

Touch typing means you type with all your fingers without looking at the keyboard. (.     )

The first screen of windows is called status bar. (. )

Tux maths is a math learning program. (.    )

4. Answer the following questions
Name any one icon you see on the desktop.

Write the steps to open Tux Maths.

What is Tux math?

Which button open the list of programs

What is the desktop?

class 1 (REVISION LESSON 6 and LESSON 7)

1.Tick the correct answer
Which of the following is the mouse pointer

a b c

2. Which tool is used to draw different shapes

a) quit tool.             b)  Shapes tool.     c) Eraser tool

3. Which of the following is a computer mouse?
a) 🐀                      b) ⌨️              c)  🖲️  

4. Which tool is used to save the drawing?
a) lines tool.           b) save tool.       c) Paint tool

2. True/ false
A scroll mouse has one button and a scroll wheel. (. )

Lies tool is used to remove the unnecessary part of the drawing. (.       )

Shapes tool is used to draw different shapes. (.     )

A mouse generally has 4 buttons. (. )

3. Fill in the blanks
A .............._ is a pointing device.

.................. Tool is used to come out of the program

................ tool is used to draw free hand drawing.

................/tool is used to draw straight lines.

4. Answer the following questions:-
Write the names of the parts of the mouse.

Which tool is used to draw free hand?

What is tux paint?

Which finger is used to press the left mouse button with right hand?

Which tool helps us to draw straight lines?


Tick the correct answer

*The Muscat of tux paint is_________.
    Penguin       monkey.                    Lion

*Which tool is used to give a wife effect
Slide.                 Smudge.                   Magic

*What is an act of repeating an action again and again is known as
Pattern.            Loops.                      Packing

*What is the process of completing one step and growing want to other step is known as______.
     Step wise thinking.      Pattern.          Loops

Fill in the blanks
*................_ effect is used to show bubbles in pictures.

*.................. Tool is used to draw free hand or previously defined shapes.

*Tux paint provides the facility to add readymade and personalised................... to the drawing.

*In Tux paint we select colors from ................

True false
*It is very difficult to work with images in tux paint. ( )

* We can save our picture in tux paint. (.    )

* You should stop at red light. (.    )

* You cannot solve a problem in steps. (. )

Short question answer

Name any three magic tools.

Define reasoning.
Ans -

Which effect is used to give a bubble effect in tux paint?

What is step wise thinking?

Long answer type questions

What is the use of fill effect of magic tool?

What do we do with the help of magic tool?

What is loop?
Ans -

What do you know about undo tool?


Tick the correct answer
* To add a new slide click on ____ menu.
File.              Insert.            Slide 

* Which of the following is a web browser?
 Mozilla            Firefox writer.            Impress

* A ............... Is a series of slides.
Text box.          Presentation.           Slideshow

*Your pages on internet are called.............
Web browser.          Network.         Web pages

Fill in the blanks

.............._ is the part of libre office suite.

WWW stands for.............. Wide web.

Website is a ............ of web pages.

............. Is located at the top of the impress window.

True false

Libre office impress is a word processing software.
 ( )

Libre office impress does not allow us to delete a slide from the presentation (.  )

You can buy and sell on Internet. ( )

Google Chrome is a web browser. (. )

Short question answer
* What is a slide?

* What is web browser?

*What is web page?

* What is a website?

Long question answer
Write steps to start Libre office impress.

Write steps to add a new slide in a presentation.

What is the use of address bar?

What are the uses of Internet? explain any two.

CLASS 5 (LESSON 6 and LESSON 7 revision)

Tick the correct answer
1.___________ give the facility to move the object in a predefined path.

Exit       motion path.         Emphasis

2. Intersection of rows and columns is called_____.
Row.                      Cell               column

3. We can apply animation by clicking on the animation icon on the____
File menu.             Drawing toolbar.      Side bar

4. Which option is present under the file menu?
Save                     find.                Chart

True false
1. Slide transition can be added in the slide sorter view . (. )

2.We can open only one sheet with one spreadsheet file. (. )

3. We cannot edit the data ones entered in a cell. (.             )

4. Animations are the movement of any object on the slides. (.           )

Fill in the blanks
1._________sets the runtime of the animation.

2._________scroll bar allows us to move right and left in the spreadsheet.

3................. Effects are applied to an audio or video file.

4................. Is the reference address of a cell.

Short answer type question
1. How many animation effects are present in the slide pane?

2 Write any two features of libre office Calc.

3. Write any two data types of libre office calc.

4. Write any two components of animation pane.

Long answer type question
1. Write steps to apply slide animation.

2. Write steps to save a spreadsheet.

3. Write steps to apply slide transition.

4. Write steps to open libre office calc.


1. What is libre office calc?
A- libre office calc is a software used to make spreadsheets.

2. Write some features of libre office calc?
A- functions and formulas
     Formatting features
     Auto calculations

3. How to open libre office calc?
A- Applications ->office >libre office calc.

4. Write some components of libreoffice calc window.
A- title bar, menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting bar, cell address, formula bar, cell ,row , column, sheet tab.

*What is row?
A- horizontal line of cells is called a row.

*What is column?
A- vertical line of cells is called column.

* What is cell?
A- intersection of a row and a column is called a cell.

5. Which data types are used in libre office calc.
A-number, text, date , time.

6. What is autofill feature?.
A-when a series of number or days of week has to be entered automatically we use autofill feature.

7. How to save a spreadsheet?
A- file->save->desktop->type files name.
    Click save button

8. How to close libre office calc?
A- File -> Exit
   Shortcut key -> Ctrl +Q


1. What is Libre office impress?
A- Libre office impress is a software which is used to prepare presentations.

2. What are the uses of presentations?
A- 1. Presentations are more effective than simple lecture.
2. Making presentations develop learning habits  in students.
3. It improves subject knowledge of students.

3. How to open libre office impress?
A- applications ->office ->libre office impress

4. What are the components of Libre office impress window?
A- menu bar, drawing toolbar, standard toolbar, slides pane , status bar etc

*What is a slide?
A- slide is a page in presentation.

5. How to add a new slide?
A- insert->slide

6. How to delete a slide?
A- 1.Select a slide from slides pane.
    2. Press delete key

7. How to save a presentation?
A- file -> save ->desktop-> type file name.
    Click save button.

8. What is the extension of impress presentation.
A- .odp

9. What is the shortcut key to save a presentation?
A- Ctrl + S

*What is slideshow?
A- slide show is a full screen view of a presentation.

10. How to see the slideshow?
A- using shortcut key- F5
     Click on Slideshow->start from beginning

11. How to open a saved presentation?
A- File ->open ->desktop ->choose file.
    Click open button

12. What is the shortcut key to open a saved presentation?
A- Ctrl+ O

13. How to exit from libre office impress?

14. What is the shortcut key to exit libre office impress?
A- Ctrl + Q

class 1 lesson 6 USING A MOUSE

Computer viva
1. What is a mouse?
A. Mouse is a pointing device.

2. What is the use of mouse?
A. Draw pictures, play games, give commands and point at different things

3 What is a mouse pointer?
A- A small Arrow moving on the screen is called mouse pointer

4. Write two types of mouse.
A- Two button mouse, scroll mouse

5. Write parts of a mouse.
A- Left button ,right button and scroll wheel .

6. Which finger is used to press left mouse button?
A- index finger

7. Which finger is used to move scroll wheel?
A- index finger

8. What is clicking?
A- Pressing and releasing the mouse button once is called clicking.

9. What is double clicking?
A- Pressing and releasing the left mouse button twice is called double clicking.

10. What is right clicking?
A- Pressing and releasing the right mouse button is called right clicking.

11. What is drag?
A- Moving the mouse while keeping the left button pressed is called drag.

class 2 lesson 6 OPERATING A COMPUTER

1. How do you start computer?
A- 1. Switch on power supply button.
     2. Switch on UPS.
     3. Switch on CPU.
     4. Switch on monitor.

2. How do you switch off computer?
A- 1. Click on power button.
     2. Click on power off.
     3. Click on shutdown.
     4. Switch off monitor.
     5. Switch off UPS
     6. Switch off power supply button.

3. What is desktop?
A- The first screen appears on the monitor is called desktop.

4. What are icons?
A- Small pictures on the desktop are called icons.

5. Which button is used to open list of programs?
A- Show application button

6. Name three control buttons.
A- Minimise , Maximize and Close button.

7. Name any one icon you see on the desktop.
A- Tux paint

class 3 lesson 5-Fun with tux paint

1. What is tux paint?
A- Tux paint is a free drawing program.

2. What is the use of paint tool?
A- It is used to draw free hand drawings.

3. What is the use of shapes tool?
A- It is used to draw different shapes.

4. What is the use of eraser tool?
A- eraser tool is used to erase the drawing.

5. What is the use of lines tool?
A- it is used to draw straight lines.

6. What is the use of stamp tool?
A- It is used to insert different stamps.

7. What is the use of text tool?
A- It is used to type text.

8. What is the use of magic tool?
A-it is used to add special effects to a drawing.

9. Who designed tux paint and when?
A- Bill kendrik designed tux paint in 2002.

10. What is the use of fill effect?
A- Fill effect is used to fill colours in the drawing.

11. What is the use of smudge effect?
A- It is used to give a wipe effect to a picture.

12. What is real rainbow effect?
A- It is used to draw a rainbow around a picture.

13. What is the use of form effect?
A- It is used to give bubble effect in the picture.

14. What is the use of mosaic effect?
A-. It is used to put patterns produced by small piece of stone, tiles, glass etc.

15. What is the use of undo tool?
A- Undo tool reverses the last action.

16. What is the use of redo tool?
A- Redo tool reverses the action of undo tool.

Class 5 – Computer Worksheet

Class 5 – Computer Worksheet Maximum Marks: 30 Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Section A: Animation and Special Effects in LibreOffice...