Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Grade 2

Q-1 -__________ makes a computer work when electricity goes off?

     UPS.                 CPU                Both      

Q-2- What are data and instructions together known as? 

       Output        process         input
Q- 3 :-   A computer is a machine. (True /False)

Q- 4- Dot matrix is a kind of printer . (True /False)

Q-5:- Name the three types of computer.

Q- 6- Which part of computer looks like TV?

Q-7:- Fill in the blanks 
A standard keyboard has ___________ keys on it.
____________ is the result given by computer.

Q-8-Write the name of following parts 

Grade I

Q-1- Computer works on ..............

Electricity                 petrol             water              air 

Q2.    A computer never gets _________

tired             sad         happy              angry

Q3- Computer works very........

fast.               slow

Q-4 :- We should not play with computer wires . (True /false )                                      

Q-5. Micro phones are used to record your voice .  (True /false )                               

Q- 6 :-Draw computer .

Q-7:-Colour the following picture        

Q-8-Fill in the blanks:- 

1.There are ______ types of keys on the keyboard.

2.________ is the brain of computer.

Q-9-Answer in one word:- 

1.Name a place where computers are used.


2.Name a machine that runs on fuel.



Class 5 – Computer Worksheet

Class 5 – Computer Worksheet Maximum Marks: 30 Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Section A: Animation and Special Effects in LibreOffice...