Sunday, August 30, 2020

class 3rd. Parts of Computer ( Revision test)

Revision test (18 Marks)

Fill in the blanks (3)
1. A computer can ............... a large amount of information.
2. A .............. is used to point, select and move any object on the computer screen.
3. A monitor is also known as .......................

True/False (3)
1. A computer has an IQ.      (.         )
2. A computer has 4 main parts .  (.         )
3. A CPU is made up of AU and LU . (.           )

Give one word answer(3)
1.I give output on a paper.   .................
2. I am not afraid of a cat . ..................
3. I am the boss and control all the activities of a computer.   ..................

M C Q (2)
1. A computer displays ............. after processing the data. 
Input.           process.              output

2. The ................. monitor consumes least power.
LCD.           CRT.             LED

Write full forms of the following (3)
1. CU
2. CPU
3. ALU

Q- What is a computer? (2)
Q- List any 2 features of Computer. (2)

Friday, August 28, 2020

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Ch-4 Parts of Computer (Revision test)

                           Ch-4 Parts of Computer

                                  Class - 1st

              Name………… Class……….. Roll no……….

Q-1- Write 5 parts of computer.

Q-2- Fill in the blanks-

  1. The ……….looks like a television.

  2. The ……….. is the brain of computer.

  3. Computer has a ………. with many keys.

  4. ………. looks like real mouse.

  5. ……….. is used to take printout on a paper.

Q-3- True/False

  1. You can see movies and cartoons on computer. (.         )

  2. Monitor helps a computer to think and work according to given order . (.         )

  3. Keys on computer are used for typing. (.         )

  4. You cannot play games with mouse. (.          )

  5. Printer is used to take printout. (.         )

Q-4- Rearrange the jumbled letters



  3. MSEOU

  4. PUC


Q-5- Which part of the computer helps to point at the things on the computer?

Ch-4 Editing text in Libre office Writer


Full Forms

Class 5 – Computer Worksheet

Class 5 – Computer Worksheet Maximum Marks: 30 Name: ____________ Date: ____________ Section A: Animation and Special Effects in LibreOffice...