Thursday, September 21, 2023

class 2 Computer

Class 2   
Subject - Computer

Fill in the blanks

1. __________ is known as brain of computer.

2. _____________ is giving instruction to computer.

3. __________ is used to print the result on a paper.

4. __________ perform all the calculations

5.__________ key is used to give a blank space between the words.

6. ___________ is the result after processing.

7. The full form of CD is __________ _____.

8. A computer works on __________ cycle

9. ________ shows us the result after processing.

10. Computer is a __________.

True/ false
1. A computer works on IPO cycle. ( )

2. Output can be shown before processing. ( )

3. Computer cannot do calculation. ( )

4. Mouse is also known as brain of computer. ( )

5. A scanner is used to type words. (. )

6. Buttons on the keyboard are called keys. ( )

7. To move the scroll will you will use thumb. (. )

8. Mouse has two buttons and scroll wheel. ( )

9. Hard disc is fixed in the monitor. (. )

10. Microphone is used to record our voice in the computer. ( )

Give one word answer
1. I have two buttons and a scroll wheel. __________

2. I am also called visual display unit VDU. _____________

3. I play sounds. __________

4. I print on a paper. _____________

5. I used to type. __________

6. Result on a paper is called _____________

7. I give many spaces at once. ____________

8. Result on the monitor screen is called_____________

9. Part of computer that looks like television. _______________

10. I am used to listen to the music from the computer. _____________

Question Answer
1. Name any two special keys.
Ans __________________________________________________

2. Name any two output devices.
Ans __________________________________________________

3. Name the two types of printer.
Ans _________________________________________________

4. Name two devices where you can store your work.
Ans __________________________________________________

5. Name one input device.
Ans __________________________________________________

class 3rd computer

Class 3.   
Subject - Computer

Fill in the blanks
1. Linux was developed in year __________.

2. Linux is an _____________ system.

3. On the desktop the small pictures with name are called _____________

4. _____________ Torvalds developed the linux

5. __________ bar shows the number of pages in the document.

6._____________ is freely available to use.

7. __________ bar shows the name of the document.

8. The attack of _____________ in Linux based system is very less.

9. __________ is the place where the text is typed.

10. _____________ is based on Linux platform.

True /False
1. Open option is used to create a document. (. )

2. The small pictures with names are called the icons. 
 (. )

3. Libre officeWriter is very difficult to understand. (. )

4. The vertical side Bar located at the left side of the desktop is launcher. (. )

5. Linux is an operating system software. (. )

6. Once you finish your work it is important to switch off your computer. (. )

7. You cannot change the desktop background. (. )

8. You can change the position of the launcher. (. )

9. It is very important to you shut down the computer properly. (. )

10. The wallpaper that you see on the desktop is called desktop background. (. )

One word answer
1. It is the vertical side bar on the left side of the desktop. __________

2. This bar shows the name of the document. ____________

3. Small pictures on the desktop with names. ____________

4. This bar shows the number of pages of the document. ____________

5. Shortcut key to create a new document. __________

6. It is the place where the document is edited and text is typed. ____________

7. Shortcut key to save the document. __________

8. Shortcut key to close the writer window. ____________

9. These bars are used to scroll the document up and down. __________

10. Shortcut key to open a saved document. ____________

Question Answers
1. Write two uses of Libre office writer.
2. How will you exit from your libre office writer.
3. Write two components of Libre office writer windows.
4. Write the steps to create a new document in libre office 
5. Write any one feature of Linux operating system

class 5th computer

Class 5.   
Subject Computer

Fill in the blanks
1. __________ gives artistic font to apply in the document.
2.__________ _______ gives an artistic look to our text.
3.__________ give the shadow effect from the top.
4. _______bar has the option to add image from the gallery.
5.__________ tool is used to change the outline colour of the shapes.
6.__________ tool is used to select the object.
7..__________ menu has the option to create a table in libre office writer.
8. __________ tool is used to draw square.
9..__________ tool is used to select an object.
10. _______ brings the shadow effect from the top.

True False
1. Table is vertical and horizontal arrangement of the text. (. )
2. We cannot resize the drawing object. (. )
3. You cannot delete unwanted rows and column of the table in writer. (. )
4. Gallery icon is present in the standard toolbar. (. )
5. You cannot apply the border to the table. (. )
6. We cannot apply special effect on text box. (. )
7. Libre office writer does not allow to perform arithmetic calculations. (. )
8. Drawing toolbar is present above the status bar. (. )

One word answer
1. It is the process of combining two cells into one cell. __________
2. This gallery gives the facility to add predefined artistic font. (. )
3. The process of changing the height of the row and width of the column. __________
4. This tool is used to draw a square. __________
5. It is the intersection of row and a column. __________
6. It bring the shadow effect from the top. __________
7. This tool is used to draw a circle. __________
8. This bar has the option to add image from the gallery. __________
9. This key is used to remove the object from the writer. ______
10. This option gives the predefined artistic font to apply in the document. __________

Question Answer
1. Write any two tools of drawing toolbar.
2. What is text box?
3. Define
a)Merge cell
b) Split cell 
4. Which option is used to draw a circle?
3. What is row?

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Class V Ch 4 Create Tables in libre office writer

1. How to insert table in Writer ?
Ans - Table> Insert Table> select number of rows and columns > insert button.

2. How to insert rows/ columns in the table?
Ans- Table> Insert > rows/ column > insert rows / column> Ok button.

3. How to delete a row/column in the table?
Ans- select row/column
         Table menu > delete> row/column/table

4. How to change the text alignment in a table?
Ans- select cell
         Format menu>a line option > left/centre/justified/top/bottom.

5. How to merge cells in a table?
Ans- select cells - table menu> merge cell

6. How to split cells?
Ans - select a cell. -- table menu > splitcell option.

7. How to insert an image in the table?
Ans- insert menu > image option > choose image > open button.

8. How to apply border and background in a table?
Ans- BORDER - select a table - table menu > properties >border > choose style /colour >🆗 button

BACKGROUND - select a table - table menu > properties >background >  colour > 🆗 button

9. Write the meaning of following options
a) intersection of row and column - cell
b) combining two or more cells - merge cell
c) dividing on cell into two or more cells - split cell
d) changing the height or breadth of row and column - resizing

Class IV Ch - 4 Editing Text in Libre Office Writer

Shortcut keys of Libre office writer

a) Ctrl + N - >        To create new file
b) Ctrl + S --          To save a file 
c) Ctrl + O --          To open a saved document
d) Ctrl + P --           To print a document
e) Ctrl + Q --         to close libre office writer window
f) Shift + <--          one character to the left selected
g) Shift + -->.       One character to the right selected
h) Shift + Home     beginning of the current line        
I) Shift + End         End of current line selected
j) Ctrl + A               Entire documents selected
k) Ctrl + C                To copy text
l)  Ctrl + V                To paste text
m) Ctrl + X.              To cut text
n) Ctrl + Z.               To undo text
O ) Ctrl + Y.              To redo text
p) F7.                       To run spell check
q) Ctrl + F7.            To run  thesaurus

1.What is libre office writer?
Ans- Libre office writer is a software used to create , edit , save and print the documents.

2. Write some features of writer
Ans- 1.find and replace feature
         2. Change case feature
3. How to open  writer?
Ans- Application > office > Libre office Writer.

4. Write steps to find and replace a word in the paragraph in writer.
Ans - Edit menu > Find 
- fill the word you want to change in find box.
-fill the word you want to replace with in the replace box
-Click replace all button.

5. How to change case in libreoffice writer?
Ans - Format menu > Text / change case > sentence case/lowercase/uppercase/toggle case.

6. How to spell check in libre office writer?
Ans - Tools > Spelling> click correct to change the word

7. How to use Thesaurus in writer?
Ans - Tools> Thesaurus> choose suitable word> click replace button.

Class III Introduction to Libre Office Writer

1. What is libre office writer?
Ans- Libre office writer is a software used to create , edit , save and print the documents.

2. Write some uses of Libre office writer.
Ans 1-Type letters ,stories ,reports in simple way.
        2. Make changes in the text.
        3. Give presentable look to the text.
        4. Save the text for future use.

3. Name some components of Libre office writer window.
Ans- Title bar , menu bar, standard toolbar , formatting toolbar, ruler, scrollbar, status bar , zoom slider , writer control buttons.

4. Write steps to create a new document in libre office writer.
Ans - File menu > New > Text Document.

5. Write steps to open a saved document in the libre office writer.
Ans- File menu > open >choose file

6. Write steps to save a document.
Ans- File menu > save > choose location> save button.

7. Write steps to print a document.
Ans- File menu > print > click print button.

8. Write steps to close libreoffice writer.
Ans - File menu > Exit Libre Office Writer.

9. Shortcut keys of libe office writer
a) Ctrl + N - > To create new file
b) Ctrl + S - > To save a file 
c) Ctrl + O - > To open a saved document
d) Ctrl + P - > To print a document
e) Ctrl + Q - > to close libre office writer window


Class II Ch 5 Keyboard and Mouse

1. What is a keyboard?
Ans- keyboard is an input device.

2. How many keys are there on a keyboard?
Ans- 104 keys.

3. Name the types of keys available on the keyboard.
Ans- 1.Alphabet Keys
         2. Number keys
         3.Special Keys

4. How many alphabet keys are there on the keyboard?
Ans- 26

5. How many number keys are there on the keyboard?
Ans- 10

6. Name some special keys on the keyboard.
Ans- 1. Space bar key
          2. Enter key
          3.Backspace key
          4. Cursor Control key
          5.Tab key
          6.Function keys
          7.Shift Key
          8. Capslock key

7. What is a cursor?
Ans- A cursor is a small blinking line on the screen.

8. How many functions keys are there on the keyboard?
Ans- 12

9. How many enter keys are there on the keyboard?
Ans- 2

10. What are symbol keys?
Ans- Symbol keys have special signs and symbols on them.

11. What is the use of caps lock key?
Ans- caps lock key is used to type capital letters.

12. What is the use of tab key?
Ans-tab key is used to move the cursor several spaces forward at once.

13. What is a mouse?
Ans- A mouse is a pointing device.

14. What are two types of mouse.
Ans- 1. Optical mouse
         2. Wireless mouse 

15. What are functions of mouse ?
Ans- Single click , double click,  right click  and drag and drop .

class 2 Computer

Class 2    Subject - Computer Fill in the blanks 1. __________ is known as brain of computer. 2. _____________ is giving instruction to comp...